Journey to Freedom: Forgiveness
It’s a hot June day and as I sit in front of my laptop I’m almost paralyzed … I’m attempting to write this post on forgiveness: something I was still working through.
I thought it began with me asking for forgiveness from others, or even writing letters of forgiveness to those that hurt me in the past. I obliviously overlooked the person I needed to forgive the most: myself.
God is funny, the way He works things out for our good … I began drafting this post on June 9th. JUNE NINTH. It’s now October …
I’ve hesitated by what I believed was my own apprehension to sharing parts of my journey that still affected my day to day life, however, it was divine ordinance that I share in this season of my life.
You see, I’ve done the whole “ask for forgiveness from my ex” and “pray for those that have hurt you in the past, knowingly and unknowingly”, but I didn’t think that my journey to forgiving myself would be the hardest. I realized this when my small group leader (shout out to Ashley) sent out a message a couple weeks ago, encouraging the women in our small group to write letters of forgiveness to ourselves after reading Isaiah 43:18-25.
“Forget about what’s happened;
don’t keep going over old history.
Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new.
It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it?”
I read the text, then read it again, and recognized the truth I let slip through my memories: God’s love keeps no wrongdoing. His forgiveness is the ultimate gift and example of how we (His children) should also forgive everyone, even ourselves.
“Forgiving releases past wrongdoings from the space where God is going to do a new thing.”
So there I sat, in front of my journal, ready to pen a letter of forgiveness once more — this time, to myself — filling it with faith, affirmation, truth, and love. The greatest of these is love.
Dear Teka,
You can no longer blindly/fake obliviously sin. You are free from that bondage/baggage and forgiven by your Mighty Father!
You are forgiven for:
not prioritizing your physical health —> you are a temple of the Holy Spirit, fearfully and wonderfully made; act like it! | Psalm 139:14
your desires/lust —> you are not meant to seek love and fulfillment in man, but in the Creator of man. Your desires of the flesh STILL don’t separate you from His love. | Romans 8:31
for doubting God —> He forgives your unbelief and will NEVER forsake His promises to you; never doubt that He loves you more than anything. | Luke 1:45
for thinking that being taken advantage of was your fault —> you are covered and accepted by His protective watch over you. He will never hurt you. | 2 Thessalonians 3:3
for not being a good steward of your money —> you know that responsibility over little manifests into blessings of much; use the tools, wisdom, and resources available to you! | Luke 16:10
for thinking less of yourself because of what you think you look like —> the TRUTH is that you’re made in the image of God! | 2 Corinthians 3:18
for believing that you don’t belong or measure up (imposter syndrome) —> you are worthy of having a seat at the table; aren’t your God-given gifts and talents making room for you?! | James 1:17
for hating that you experience depression —> release the guilt and receive the love that comes from forgiveness; your assignment to love every part of yourself and share that love with gratitude and without judgement begins NOW! | Song of Solomon 4:7
for holding on to daddy issues —> who is your Heavenly Father? He fills any void a man left behind … and charges you to forgive your earthly fathers … | Romans 8:15
for codependence on the opinions of others —> you are strong and able to handle any decision you make; BLOSSOM! | Isaiah 32:17
I Love You.