Quite often I've been reminded that the words spoken about ourselves and others, can either build up or tear down. "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me" ... but words can hurt; from others and ourselves. We cannot control what others say about us, but we CAN control the thoughts and words we have about ourselves. Do you ever have negative thoughts or say negative things about yourself?
"I'm such a failure. I'll never be as good as so-and-so. I'm unwanted/undesired."
It's ok; I've had similar thoughts and said similar things about myself. Then one day, I decided that I can change those thoughts, those words, and essentially my life, a couple positive words at at time. I started to speak positive affirmations over myself. And so can you!
"I'm successful in all that I do! I'm great at what I do and will work to be even better! I'm chosen and loved by the Most High!"
“Positive affirmations are positive, specific statements that help you overcome self-sabotaging, negative thoughts. They help you visualize, and BELIEVE in, what you’re affirming to yourself, helping you make positive changes to your life.”
I've found that the more I spoke positive things over myself and my life, the more positive I felt! I was able to begin each day with a positive mindset, focusing on those positives in every situation or circumstance. Now, everyday is not a walk in the park or on cloud 9, but when I felt myself falling into negativity, I processed what the causal situation was, addressed those negative thoughts, and then decided to transform those negatives into positives.
Here's an awesome site that provides OVER 100 positive affirmations for situations that arise in our lives!